Admission Rules

1. General Provisions
1. These rules for admission to study at the Ekibastuz College of Engineering and Technical Institute named after academician K. Satpayev for the academic year establish the procedure for admission to study in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" dated July 27, 2007 (as amended on 9.04.16), on the basis of the Model Rules for admission to studies in educational organizations that implement vocational curricula for technical and vocational education, approved by the Government of the Republic of Ka zakhstan of January 19, 2012 No. 130, the regulations for the provision of the state service “Reception of documents in the organization of technical and professional, post-secondary education”, approved by the resolution of the mayor office of Pavlodar region dated May 28, 2015 No. 153/5.
2. In NUO Ekibastuz College of Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician Satpayev citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign citizens and stateless persons with basic secondary (basic general), general secondary (secondary general), technical and vocational (primary vocational and secondary vocational) are accepted. , post-secondary, higher (higher vocational) education.
3. When enrolling in college on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 28, 2012 No. 264 "On approval of the size of the admission quota for admission to study in educational organizations that implement vocational educational curricula for technical and vocational, post-secondary and higher education" paragraph 8 of Article 26 establishes the admission quota from the approved state educational order for:
1) citizens from the number of disabled people of I, II groups, disabled since childhood, disabled children - 1 percent;
2) persons who are equal in terms of benefits and guarantees to participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War - 0.5 percent;
3) citizens from the number of aul (rural) young people with specialties determining the social and economic development of the village (village) - 30 percent;
4) persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2 percent;
5) orphans and children left without parental care - 1 percent.
4. For those with technical and professional, post-secondary, higher education, the form of the entrance exams (testing) is established by the organization of education.
Admission to Ekibastuz College of Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician Satpayev is carried out in the following specialties:
 0515000 “Management (by industry and application)” (0515013-Manager); 0518000 “Accounting and Auditing (by branches)” (0518033-Economist Accountant);
 0706000 "Open development of mineral deposits" (0706203-Technician-technologist);
 0707000 "Maintenance and repair of mining electromechanical equipment" (0707193-Electromechanic);
 0711000 “Mine Surveying” (0711033- surveyor technician);
 0901000 "Electrical equipment of power plants and networks (by type)" (0901043-Electrical Technician);
 0907000 "Heat engineering equipment and heat supply systems (by type)" (0907033-heating technician);
 1108000 "Operation, repair and maintenance of rolling stock of railways (by type)" (1108213-Electromechanic);
 1014000 “Engineering technology (by type)” (1014023 – Mechanical Technician);
 1201000 "Maintenance, repair and operation of road transport" (1201123 - Technician - mechanic);
 1202000 "Organization of transport and traffic management on railway transport" (1203053-Technik);
 1303000 "Automation, Remote Control and Traffic Control on the Railway Transport" (1303043-Electromechanic);
 1304000 “Computers and software (by type) 1304043-Technician-programmer);
 1401000 "Construction and maintenance of buildings and structures" (1401213-Construction Technician).
The enrollment plan for the 2017-2018 school year is determined in accordance with Annexes 1, 2 to this Regulation.

2. Organization of the reception of documents and entrance exams

5. In Ekibastuz College of Engineering and Technical Institute named
Satpayev for organizing the reception of citizens' applications for training, conducting entrance examinations and enrollment in the students is organized by the selection committee, which begins its work from 1 June.
6. Questions of the organization of work of the admission commissions of the organization of education for the reception of persons for on-site training in regions shall be decided in agreement with the Founder.
7. Applications of persons to study at EKITI named after K.Satpayev are accepted according to educational curricula of technical and vocational education, involving the training of middle-level specialists, for full-time education from June 20 to August 20, and correspondence courses from June 20 to September 20.
8. To applicants for admission to educational institutions, applicants enclose an identity document, an original educational document, an application for admission, a medical certificate in form No. 086-U with a fluorosim application for people with disabilities of groups I and II and people with disabilities childhood conclusion of medical and social expertise), 4 photographs of size 3x4.
The identity documents of the applicant are presented personally, by parents or legal representatives.
Foreigners and stateless persons submit a document determining their status, with a note of registration by place of residence:
1) foreigner - residence permit of an alien in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) stateless person - certificate of stateless person;
3) refugee - refugee certificate;
4) asylum seeker - certificate of asylum seeker;
5) oralman - certificate of oralman.
Applications from applicants are recorded in the registration logs of the educational organization by forms of study. The application, as well as all the necessary documents shall be submitted to the admissions office of the educational organization. The documents of the recipients of the state service submitted for the provision of the state service are registered in the “Book of registration of students entering the group”. The person who has handed in the documents shall be issued a receipt for the receipt of documents in accordance with Appendix 1 to this standard, indicating the number and date of receipt of the application, the surname, name and patronymic of the member of the selection committee who issued the receipt.
Persons who have provided a certificate of comprehensive testing (graduates of past years who participated in comprehensive testing in the current year for admission to higher educational institutions) or a certificate of UNT results (graduates of the current year who participated in the unified national testing) are exempt from entrance exams and allowed to compete according to the conditions specified in paragraph 15 of this Regulation.
9. In accordance with the standard of state services, entrance examinations are held: for full-time education - from August 1 to August 28, for evening and extramural studies - from August 1 to September 25.
Entrance exams for applicants for educational programs of technical and vocational education, providing training for mid-level specialists, and having:
1) general secondary education is conducted in three subjects (Kazakh or Russian, history of Kazakhstan and subject in the specialty profile);
2) basic secondary education - in two subjects in the volume of curricula of basic secondary education (Kazakh or Russian and subject by specialty profile);
3) technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher education that does not correspond to the profile of the specialty, are held in the core subject of the specialty;
4) technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher education, corresponding to the profile of the specialty, are conducted in the form of an interview.
Entrance examinations for applicants for educational programs of technical and vocational education, providing training for mass occupations and more complex (related) professions, are conducted in the form of an interview.
Entrance examinations in educational organizations are held in Kazakh or Russian languages ​​according to the applications of applicants.
The list of general educational subjects by specialty of technical and vocational education is determined according to Appendix 2 to these Rules.
10. Forms of entrance examinations for persons with basic secondary, general secondary education, referred to in paragraph 12, testing in subjects, are established by the organization of education.
11. For those entering the training in educational programs of technical and vocational education, providing training for middle-level specialists, entrance examinations are held: for full-time education - from August 1 to August 28, for evening and correspondence courses - from August 1 to September 25th.
When conducting entrance exams:
1) in the form of testing the number of test tasks (questions) for each subject is 25; the correct answer for each test task is rated 1 point; 2 hours and 15 minutes are given for testing in three subjects, and 1 hour and 30 minutes in two subjects; codes of correct answers are posted immediately after testing; test results are announced on the day of the meeting;
2) in the form of examinations in the subjects of assessment "3", "4", "5", obtained by the results of entrance examinations are translated by the selection committee into points on the following scale: rating "3" - 8 points, "4" - 17 points, " 5 "- 25 points.
12. In order to ensure the observance of uniform requirements and the resolution of controversial issues in the evaluation of test tasks (questions) and examinations in subjects, to protect the rights of applicants to EKITI, an appeal commission is created an appeal commission is created.
A person who does not agree with the results of the test or entrance exam in subjects may apply for an appeal.
The application for appeal is submitted to the appeal commission until 1:00 pm the next day after the announcement of the results of the tests or entrance examinations and is considered by the appeal commission with the participation of the applicant within one day.
The decision of the appeal commission is taken by a majority of votes from the list of the commission. In case of equality of votes, the chairman of the commission has the right to vote. The commission’s work is documented by protocols signed by the chairman and all members of the commission.
13. Retake a test in subjects is not allowed.

3. Enrollment in the students

14. Enrollment in the composition of students in educational programs of technical and vocational education, providing for the training of mid-level specialists in EKITI named after K. Satpayev, is carried out according to the applications of persons on a competitive basis.
The competition is held: on the basis of the scores of UNT certificates; on the basis of certificates issued on the basis of the results of entrance examinations conducted in the form of comprehensive testing for admission to universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan; on the basis of points (grades) obtained on the basis of the results of entrance examinations in subjects or in the form of testing conducted by an educational organization.
During the competition for enrollment, the sum of points from three subjects is taken into account in accordance with clause 12 of this Regulation, indicated in the UNT certificates or comprehensive testing.
Not allowed to participate in the competition for enrollment in the composition of students enrolled:
1) less than 20 points from two subjects, for those with basic general education, in the field of education, economics, less than 25 points;
2) less than 30 points out of three subjects for those with a general secondary education.
The conditions of the competition must guarantee the observance of the rights to education and ensure the enrollment of citizens of the most capable and prepared for development of educational curricula for technical and vocational education.
Enrollment in the composition of students in educational programs of technical and vocational education, involving the training of mid-level specialists, is carried out:
1) for full-time education - from August 25 to August 30;
2) for evening and extramural forms of education - from September 15 to September 30.
15. Enrollment in EKITI is carried out at an open meeting of the selection committee separately by professions and specialties.
16. The activity of the selection committee is defined by the standard of public services and is based on the principles of:
1) respect for the constitutional rights and freedoms of the person;
2) accessibility of education for the entire population, its humanistic and secular nature;
3) equality of the rights of students to receive quality education;
4) submission of complete information about the provided public service;
5) ensuring the protection and confidentiality of information on the content of documents provided by the recipient of the state service;
6) ensuring the safety of documents that the recipient of the state service did not receive in a timely manner;
7) the timeliness of the provision of public services;
8) correctness and politeness;
9) legality;
10) publicity;
11) openness.
17. EKITI named after academician K. Satpayev provides statistical reports to the Department of Education of Pavlodar region, in accordance with the established forms and terms, and after enrollment within ten days - a text report on the organization and conduct of admission of students.
18. Questions not regulated by these Rules are independently resolved by the selection committee of EKITI.

Екибастузский колледж инженерно-технического института
Main Overall Administration Teachers College history Dual system Business card For Entrant Admission Rules Employment Student Full-time study schedule Schedule Free vocational education Kazakh Russian