Business card

NUO "Ekibastuz College of Engin eering and Technical Institute im.ak.Satpaeva"

Name of the organization of education

Not state educational institution

"Ekibastuz College of Engineering and Technical Institute im.Ak. Satpayev"


Pavlodar region, Ekibastuz, st. Auezov 14,

tel. 8 (7187) 340782, e-mail:


Training is conducted in the following specialties:

0515000-Management (by industry and scope)

0518000 - Accounting and Auditing (by industry)

0706000 Open development of mineral deposits

0707000 Maintenance and repair of mining electromechanical equipment

0711000 Surveying

0901000 Electrical equipment of power plants and networks (by type)

0907000 Heat engineering equipment and heat supply systems (by type)

1108000 Operation, repair and maintenance of rolling stock of railways (by type)

1014000 Engineering technology (by type)

1201000 Maintenance, repair and operation of road transport

1203000 Organization of transport and traffic management in railway transport

1303000 Automation, telemechanics and traffic control on railway transport

1304000 Computers and software (by type)

1401000 Construction and operation of buildings and structures

FULL NAME of director

Ikonnikova Tatyana Ivanovna

Total area

8463 m2, Useful area - 2730 m2, of which the area of classrooms - 708.18 m2, the area of training workshops - 108.3 m2

Project capacity

900 people

Number of students

(full-time education)

Full-time - 451 people

Absentee - 487 people

Educational and material base

There are 34 rooms in total (with a two-shift mode), including: special disciplines-21, a general professional cycle-13, laboratories -23

training workshops 4

and the site in the shops -1.

College workshops are equipped with new machines: turning-1, screw-1; working clothing in the amount of 12 sets and inventory.

Two sports halls are located in the building of the basic institute.

Computer classes-4, in them computer-102. Connected to the Internet-82 computer.

Engineering and teaching staff

68 people in total, incl. teachers - 66 people, masters of industrial training - 2 people.

Have categories:

Higher - 29 people.

The first is 15 people.

The second is 11 people.

Without category -13 persons


Library fund - 45469 copies.

The presence of a dining room

40 seats buffet


83 %

Екибастузский колледж инженерно-технического института
Main Overall Administration Teachers College history Dual system Business card For Entrant Admission Rules Employment Student Full-time study schedule Schedule Free vocational education Kazakh Russian