College history


College was founded in 1999. Legal address: Ekibastuz, 14 Auezov Street, tel. 340172, Ekibastuz College of Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician Satpayev is a structural unit of the named institute. This college carries out educational activities on the basis of the State License Series AB 0142066, issued on May 28, 2010, with the right to conduct educational activities in the field of secondary vocational education and title documents:
- The charter of the educational institution registered in the territorial authority of justice on January 29, 1999

- certificate of state registration of a legal entity dated January 29, 1999 No. 220-1945-16, issued by the justice department of Ekibastuz

- statistical card with a stake assignment according to the state classifier OKPO No. 38849270

- Taxpayer Certificate dated January 24, 2007 No. 451500033631

The founder - the owner is the Establishment "Ekibastuz Engineering – Technical Institute named after Academician Satpayev", certificate of state registration of legal entity No. 5172 -1945-U from July 14, 1998.

NEO "EKITI" organized full-time and part-time education in 16 specialties with Russian and Kazakh languages ​​of instruction

Compiled College Development Program for the period 2011-2016. Along with long-term planning, annual planning of the educational process is conducted. A set of measures has been developed for the implementation of the state program, the functioning and development of languages, the development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The strategic direction in the development of the College is the transition of all components of the educational process to a qualitatively new level by improving and summarizing the existing experience of the educational system of secondary vocational education, introducing new innovative technologies that provide the possibility of conducting a critical self-assessment, which allowed to find effective ways to solve the problems posed. services. The criteria for the performance of the educational and methodical work of the college are: the compliance of the working curricula with the standard curricula for cycles and hours; the conformity of working curricula to typical programs in specialties; participation of teachers and students in innovation and experimental activities; use of modern educational and information technologies in the educational process; organization of the dual training system; Modernization of curricula and curricula in accordance with the needs of modern society, under the conditions of actually existing business structures and educational and creative modules with the prospect of integration into the world educational system.

Екибастузский колледж инженерно-технического института
Main Overall Administration Teachers College history Dual system Business card For Entrant Admission Rules Employment Student Full-time study schedule Schedule Free vocational education Kazakh Russian