Качественный состав преподавателей ЕКИТИ

The total number of teachers as of 01/09/2015 was 56 people, of which 49 are full-time employees (which is 88%) and 7 part-time workers (12% respectively). Employee age ranges from 22 to 66 years. The average age is 40 years.

54 employees have a higher education - this is 96%, and 2 employees (one of them is a master of industrial training) - secondary special education.

Of Education:

1447170798At the end of 2011 - 12 och. Personnel potential was represented by the following qualification categories: the highest category — 9 people (16%), the first category — 21 employees (38%), the second category — 15 teachers (27%), and no category — 11 teachers (20%). The qualitative composition is 54%. Teachers who do not have a category are mostly newcomers or young teachers. Compilers are specialists invited from production or other educational institutions. The main staff consists of highly qualified specialists with extensive practical experience.
Екибастузский колледж инженерно-технического института
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